Forward in Faith - Capital Campaign - Aberdeen First Baptist Church
Forward in Faith - Capital Campaign - Aberdeen First Baptist Church

We read in 1 Cor. 4:1-2, “This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful.”

We are called to faithful stewardship of all that God has entrusted to us. Now it is our time to answer the call regarding the current needed capital improvements on our property.

In Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians he reminds the church that, although God has gifted everyone in the church differently for different roles, each believer shares together in two unalterable truths. First, the church belongs to God alone. He is the One who brings the increase, causing it to grow. We are his “field” and his “building.” Second, all who are part of God’s church are servants and stewards of the glorious Gospel of Jesus and the ministry He has entrusted to each one of us.

What God has Done

AFB has a rich history of faithful stewards from its beginning in 1894. For over the past 130 years, thousands of people have been impacted by the Gospel proclamation and ministry of AFB.

Through AFB, God has brought many people to salvation, strengthened families in our community, and the congregation has witnessed God calling out pastors and missionaries throughout the years. Today, that legacy continues in our generation. We still see God working today!

Those that have gone before us have sacrificially given and provided what we now use for worship, discipleship, and ministry every week. In 1956, faithful saints gave to build the sanctuary in which we gather to worship each Lord’s Day. In 2010, the church completed a second major step in the construction of an educational wing that serves our Sunday School, music ministry, children and youth ministries, our Wee Learn Preschool, and so much more. Over the years, the congregation has also purchased four individual lots that make up the large current, undeveloped gravel parking lot.

First Meeting Place, 1894

Original Church House - First Baptist Aberdeen

First Church House, 1895

New Sanctuary, 1956

Ground Breaking for New Educational Wing, 2007

What God is Doing

In 2020, our congregation adopted a long-range strategic plan for 2020-2025, which included both the renovation of the interior of our sanctuary and the construction of a main parking lot. Just as those who have gone before us invested in us, it is now our time to make a significant investment for those who will follow us. In doing so, we fulfill God’s instruction to “be found faithful.” AFB is in an exciting time of growth and ministry development. God has been faithful, and we celebrate His goodness!

Proposed Parking Lot Improvements

Where God is Leading

Our sanctuary is well worn from over six decades of faithful use. Classrooms in the educational building are in need of new flooring and chairs. It’s also time for us to construct a parking lot that will be more functional, improve safety, and be welcoming. In the days ahead, members and attenders of AFB will be challenged to consider prayerfully making a significant financial commitment over a three-year period to help us be good and faithful stewards of our facilities and to invest in the place where God’s church will continue to gather to worship and make disciples for generations.

Our commitment to the Lord is to connect people to the hope of Jesus in Aberdeen and beyond. That’s our mission! Renovating and refurbishing our sanctuary and classrooms and constructing a long-awaited parking lot for worshippers helps us stay on a faithful path of fulfilling that mission together. Additionally, we believe this will be a season of significant spiritual growth together through our sacrificial giving. We expect God to do a great work at AFB as we move forward in faith together!